Output API: Migration guide

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

With the release of v1 of the output API support was added for post-processing using a compose script. This means a message can contain multiple inputs. This new feature comes with a new version of the API. In order to upgrade from v0 to v1 some clientside changes are required.

In this document we’ll go over the relevant changes when migrating a v0 client to the v1 version of the API.

2. Changes

2.1. Endpoint

The domain has changed from api.xribe.io to runtime.compose.platform.unifiedpost.com in order to provide more uniform domain names company-wide. Similarly, the basepath has changed from /runtime to /api to create a more uniform namespace spanning all APIs.

In order to migrate, the version component in the path needs to be changed from v0 to v1.

2.2. Response

The v0 response body simply contains the UUID of the created message.


The response body of the new v1 API returns a json structure for easier parsing and to minimize the difference between successful responses and error responses.


2.3. Callback

The status you’ll receive in the callback is now DeliverableGenerated instead of DeliverableDelivered. If you’re testing for that value to detect generation was succesful, you’ll want to change that. The status will now be changed to DeliverableDelivered only after a successfull callback when a webhook is specified as deliveryParameter.

Additionally, support for multiple inputs by v1 means that the callback must be able to return multiple outputs. The type of the output property in the deliverable is therefore changed to an array. To match outputs with inputs an id property has been added tot he url as well. Requests ported from v0 will only contain a single input, so all callbacks will contain an output array with a single object with a generated id and the value of the v0 output property as url.

Callback and Deliverable structures will now include a version property that is set to 1.

2.4. Email Properties

When requesting email output, the subject and addresses that can be specified in the template and that were returned as outputProperties are now returned as an additional output element. The id of the output element is the id of the accompanying html output appended with /properties.

So instead of a callback with outputProperties,


an additional output element is returned with an id ending with /properties. An equivalent change applies to the deliverable.


2.5. Input

Version 1 of the API added functionality to post-process documents, including operations involving multiple documents like appending or overlaying. To allow multiple documents, the input property now accepts an array. In order to facilitate a smooth migration, a single element is still accepted, but when retrieving such a message using the GET API on /v1/message you’ll notice that this has been converted into an array containing a single input.

Note that messages POSTed to the v0 endpoint can be retrieved with either the v0 or v1 endpoint, but that messages POSTed to the v1 endpoint can only be retrieved from the v1 endpoint. If you try to retrieve a message created with a POST to /v0/message using a GET to /v1/message, a 404 response code will be returned.

2.6. Deliverable

The support for multiple inputs supported by v1 means that fields associated with the output rather than the message are pushed down to the output elements in the array. This is the case for pageCount, properties and outputParameters.

3. Example

We’ll show a typical interaction with the API and highlight the differences.

3.1. Message Request

Client interaction typically starts with POSTing a message request.

3.1.1. v0




3.1.2. v1

The Endpoint has changed


   "projectID": "dcb398ba-1b8c-4afd-85fd-a5905e5f42c5",
   "environmentID": "b4e0d9b7-16c4-4da3-b9b3-4ae3b52f5c8f",
   "messageID": "6ec7c70d-34a3-4c4b-82b8-1c472de04f03",
   "href": "https://runtime.tst.compose.platform.unifiedpost.com/api/v1/message/6ec7c70d-34a3-4c4b-82b8-1c472de04f03?projectID=dcb398ba-1b8c-4afd-85fd-a5905e5f42c5&environmentID=b4e0d9b7-16c4-4da3-b9b3-4ae3b52f5c8f"
The Response has changed

3.2. Callback

3.2.1. v0

   "template": "showcase/webtemplate/HelloWorld.sdt",

3.2.2. v1

The Callback has changed; the eventType is now DeliverableGenerated and the output value is now moved to the url property of the only element in the output array. Also note the change in Email Properties

3.3. Get Message

3.3.1. v0



3.3.2. v1

The Endpoint has changed


The Input has changed; it is an array now.

3.4. Get Deliverable

3.4.1. v0

         "message":"Changed status to created",
         "message":"Changed status to generating",
         "message":"Changed status to generated for template 'showcase/webtemplate/HelloWorld.sdt'",
         "message":"Changed status to delivering",
         "message":"Changed status to delivered",

3.4.2. v1

The Endpoint has changed
         "message":"Changed status to created",
         "message":"Changed status to generating",
         "message":"Changed status to generated for template 'showcase/webtemplate/HelloWorld.sdt'",
         "message":"Changed status to delivering",
         "message":"Changed status to delivered",
The Deliverable has changed. In case email output is requested, the Email Properties are different as well.

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